Saturday, July 23, 2011

Summer Woes

It’s mid-summer already and the panic is beginning to set in. On crap! Summer break is almost over! While parents are thrilled to death with the impending return of school, teachers everywhere are rushing about trying to finish everything on their summer To-Do list. Who knew that 8 weeks could be so short? Here is what my summer list looks like:

• Keep the house clean every single day – no excuses
• Exercise for 1 hour each day
• Lose 10 pounds by the end of summer
• Finish editing my completed manuscript
• Catch an agent’s eye
• Write the first 3 chapters of my current work in progress
• Plan for next school year
• Have a work party to plan for next school year

So how much of this list did I manage to accomplish?

• Keep the house clean every single day – no excuses - The house only managed to get clean after my darling hubby planned a b-day party for me. It stayed clean for 1 day.
• Exercise for 1 hour each day - Does hula dancing for 1 ½ hours a week count?
• Lose 10 pounds by the end of summer - Nope – They’re still there, viciously hanging around my body, refusing the budge.
• Finish editing my completed manuscript - Still editing but making progress.
• Catch an agent’s eye - Still waiting. All I’m hearing from my query letters is a whole orchestra of crickets.
• Write the first 3 chapters of my current work in progress - I’ve managed to squeak out half of a couple scenes. Neither scene is finished but hey, it’s a start!
• Plan for next school year - Not so much.
• Have a work party to plan for next school year - We wound up spending more time drinking mimosas than we did planning but damn, who knew a mimosa would taste so great?

So how about you? What were your summer plans and did you manage to accomplish anything?

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